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Gymnastics is the perfect way for children to learn about their physical selves. We sincerely believe that a good gymnastics class will instill a love for physical activity that will last a life time. Our curriculum serves to teach kids to encourage each other and enjoy the successes of others. It is our goal for the students to learn how to work toward a goal and feel great when it is accomplished.Minnesota Kids Gymnastics Coaching


KEY POINTS of our Recreational program
Our curriculum is designed for a student to be able to pass in approximately one year. Do not be alarmed if they take a little longer, especially at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Students do not always see progress with their skills every week. In fact, some skills may take months to pass. This can sometimes cause frustration for a student. Encourage your child not to give up, they will learn it, and they will feel the satisfaction of achieving a difficult goal.

Each student has a skill sheet that we use to track their progress. If you ever have a question concerning your child’s progress, or just want to see how he or she is doing, we simply pull out his or her sheet and show it to you. All teachers have a ten minute window between classes and are available for questions.

Once a level is passed the student may sign up for the next level the following session. We do not move children up in the middle of a session. If your child has passed all their skills they will begin to work on the next level skills while at the same time continuing to improve on the current level skills. Gymnastics is a sport of repetition. Even our top competitive athletes practice the basics.

We encourage you to consider signing up for a second class. Students learn faster when repeating the skills twice as often. We give an awesome price break for the same student signing up for a second gymnastics class.

Minnesota Gymnastics Training

KEEP YOUR EARS OPEN FOR THE BELL. It means a student passed a skill or has achieved a skill that required a lot of hard work. Everyone cheers when we get a bell ringer!

As part of our latest customer survey we asked two simple questions. Did your child have Fun? Did your child learn? Both questions were answered above a 9.5 out of a ten point system. Just because all of our programs score extremely high in our customer surveys you can be assured that our managers, instructors, and front desk staff will always strive to make our programs better and better.